I found an old receipt that my mother had saved. It was stuffed in amongst one of the many of her old photos.It was for a camera she had purchased as a youth. She was an avid amateur photographer and she documented her life for years using the many cameras she owned.
I grew up thinking that all facets of life were kept track of through those little (at the time) black boxes. The many boxes of pictures my mom left behind have become to me a daily journal of who she was, what she loved and what she invested time into during the course of her life.
Interestingly I seem to have the same addiction to my camera. I keep one in my purse and as if that isn't enough, I also have one on my cell phone.
While surfing the net an article caught my eye on a particular site that made me want to post a comment. It was a discussion about Iphones and good pictures. What are good pictures to you? Are they always in focus? Do they have the images centered properly? Was the lighting perfect? My answer to myself was much more simplified...I love capturing the moment and I love that my iphone's always with me. I tried to express my point by putting together a Slide.com show of some recent shots while on vacation in Michigan. I've added it to my sidebar so you can see for yourself. I'm able to get some really neat shots...its all in the moment for me :)
I grew up thinking that all facets of life were kept track of through those little (at the time) black boxes. The many boxes of pictures my mom left behind have become to me a daily journal of who she was, what she loved and what she invested time into during the course of her life.
Interestingly I seem to have the same addiction to my camera. I keep one in my purse and as if that isn't enough, I also have one on my cell phone.
While surfing the net an article caught my eye on a particular site that made me want to post a comment. It was a discussion about Iphones and good pictures. What are good pictures to you? Are they always in focus? Do they have the images centered properly? Was the lighting perfect? My answer to myself was much more simplified...I love capturing the moment and I love that my iphone's always with me. I tried to express my point by putting together a Slide.com show of some recent shots while on vacation in Michigan. I've added it to my sidebar so you can see for yourself. I'm able to get some really neat shots...its all in the moment for me :)