One Word: Thoughts Going in to the New Year in 2022

Last night I found myself saying it aloud to our business team... "39 days until the New Year. " Wow this year has been a lot of things. I began it with hope; my dreams, desire, intention all focused on being resilient. I had selected my One Word for 2021 as resilient with my focus on overcoming, standing strong, holding out and holding on. I did not know it then but for so many areas of life it would be painful, hard, reflective and in many areas it related to beginning again. I'm looking and longing for better days. 

Here we are just 38 days until this year ends...just like that roll of toilet paper analogy.

Reflecting on that thought above, just 38 days left in this year brought me back to refocusing on not just finishing strong but what my one word will be in this new upcoming year. It reminded me I had placed a note in my phone back at the beginning of the month for a word I was pondering. Perhaps it would be my choice for 2022...ABUNDANCE. I liked this quote from Eckhart Tolle.

This concept of selecting One Word that I had begun many years back...perhaps you too may have also heard of this idea...selecting one word to focus on in the new year rather than writing out resolutions I select a single word. 

I really like how this author explained it

... Hm-mmm that word I mentioned topped her list.

The practice of choosing a “Word of the Year” is that, instead of setting a lot of different New Years resolutions, you select one single word to be your focus for the year.

You can use that word to set goals or intentions for each area of your life but have them all tie back to the single word. For example, if your word of the year was “abundance” you might have sub-goals of investing in an abundant number of friendships, or hitting an income goal, or spending more quality time with the people you love without your phone. “Discipline” could entail going to the gym, sticking to an evening routine, and no longer being late to meetings. 

By tying all of your goals back to your overarching word, it is easy to keep them front-of-mind. 

2022 Word of the Year Ideas

    1. Abundance
    2. Adventure
    3. Align
    4. Authentic
    5. Available
    6. Aware
    7. Balance
    8. Become
    9. Better
    10. Bless
    11. Bold
    12. Breathe
    13. Bright
    14. Calm
    15. Celebrate
    16. Centered
    17. Challenge
    18. Change
    19. Commitment
    20. Compassion
    21. Confidence
    22. Connect
    23. Creativity
    24. Cultivate
    25. Daring
    26. Dedicated
    27. Delight
    28. Devotion
    29. Discipline
    30. Distance
    31. Dream
    32. Embrace
    33. Emerge
    34. Empower
    35. Expansion
    36. Express
    37. Faith
    38. Feast
    39. Fit
    40. Focus
    41. Forgiveness
    42. Foster
    43. Free
    44. Friendship
    45. Glow
    46. Giving
    47. Grace
    48. Gratitude
    49. Grounded
    50. Honesty
    51. Hope
    52. Humility
    53. Integrity
    54. Intentional
    55. Intuition
    56. Journey
    57. Joy
    58. Kind
    59. Learn
    60. Listen
    61. Love
    62. Magnify
    63. Meek
    64. Mindful
    65. Motion
    66. Nourish
    67. Nurture
    68. Organize
    69. Passion
    70. Peace
    71. Permission
    72. Persistance
    73. Play
    74. Polish
    75. Power
    76. Present
    77. Progress
    78. Radiant
    79. Recovery
    80. Relationships
    81. Release
    82. Reset
    83. Resilient ** (I added this word for 2021)
    84. Resolute
    85. Rise
    86. Risk
    87. Savvy
    88. Service
    89. Simplicity
    90. Slow
    91. Smile
    92. Space
    93. Sparkle
    94. Strong
    95. Teach
    96. Thrive
    97. Tranquil
    98. Whole
    99. Yes
    100. Zen
    101. Zest

Have you picked a word for the year? I’d love to hear it!

Do You Remember


Yesterday we celebrated my sweet husband's birthday. Reflecting on life took my thoughts down many paths. Celebrating his 69th revolution around this planet, we together have experienced so many moments. Life has changed in so many ways... Sometimes we think about those Seriously? and Yeah Right moments. And how about those that Make you wanna to go hmmmm moments. But today my thoughts were on humorous  remembrances,  those Oh-hhh and Ah-hhh moments, those Oops! and even Double Oops moments.

Do you remember when you got that way COOL shiny AOL CD in the mail and thinking "That is WAAAY too much to spend (but the 100 free hours sucked you in)"?

Do You Remember excitedly running when you heard the words "You've Got Mail" ? That quote became iconically paired to the movie Sleepless In Seattle with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.

I remember a conversation with my friend Mary when she was talking about staying in contact with another friend then living in Switzerland and using her computer to send email. I was like, WHAT is email? What? She can get email in seconds? How can I get email? Funny because that was before I even HAD a computer or even know how to turn one on. It is strange how a conversation like that can launch you down a pathway you had never thought of before.  

Do you remember the friend in Switzerland I mentioned? I was so excited to finally get a computer and so very excited at the amazing possibility of emailing my friend. 

My  friend Mary told me about a service called Juno Mail, a free service that opened a gateway to send and receive email. Their tagline at the time was Email Should Be Free. I love FREE!

...That is when I entered into the world of emailing.


I learned how to compose my email and how to send it out but I guessed I missed something...

I was so excited and I wanted to share things going on in my life during that time so I included in my email some fun pictures and links to my new favorite world wide web places and lots more...that's when I learned about something called email etiquette. 

  1. DO NOT TYPE IN CAPS:Its considered yelling. Oh-hhh!  
  2.  VERY IMPORTANT:During that time in the history of the world wide web pictures took a very long time to download and when you were paying by the minute to see a silly, unimportant and non pertinent thing it might make people frustrated or mad at you...Oops! My bad! Also it was her husband's work Compuserve account... Double Oops! 

Who'd have thought there was a new etiquette in town? I guess I should have taken that class.

I did learn a new lesson that I'm pretty sure my mom told me long before that moment... "Nothing in this world is really FREE!" It all comes with a price. 

Enjoy the ride.

A paraphrase my sister Kathi shared pertaining to a Las Vegas trip and the slots...
It is entertainment. Don't plan to get a boatload of money out of the machine, maybe you will maybe you won't...enjoy the ride. With the internet the same is true, sometimes you will, sometimes you won't but along the way enjoy the ride.

Oh and getting back to my sweetheart and remembering; Do You Remember the first time that special person said "I love you"? I had dozed off with my head in his lap-It had been a long and busy day...It was my birthday in fact.We had left the party my friend had put together for me and went back to my place. We were relaxing on the couch with the TV playing in the background and just as I was beginning to wake I swear I heard him say, "I think I'm in love with you". Oh-hhhhh, H-mmm, Uh-hhh... I was thinking as I quietly pretended I was still asleep. 😊