Obsessions and Addictions

Do you have an Obsession or Addiction? 

I've heard friends talk about their chocolate obsession... others say they have a favorite Latte addiction... Others are into being a Gym Rat so much that yup I believe they are also obsessed- even addicted to that adrenaline rush. I'd have to say that as obsession's go I am coming  pretty close with my love of Youtube's varied topics!


No matter what your need or interest, I have found it on Youtube. 
Need a little happiness? Check out babies laughing.
Need to feel close to animals? Wow you can watch newborn eaglets in the nest! 
Are you trying to repair your broken appliance? Yes I learned how to repair my microwave by watching Youtube!
My Youtube topic list has grown so long I cannot find the correct topic when I want to save a great video. Hmm, now have duplicate topics. Yikes! 
Really though, I love, love, love Youtube! 

I can be watching a demonstration of a unique new gadget one minute  and then another moment see what people around the world do with plastic containers to repurpose them. 

A recent favorite though is the  arts and craft trade.There are many great demonstrations showing  exciting and new products and how to use them, also new ways to use products that have been around for a while. Today I was watching one of my favorites. A show demonstrator, Tim Holtz at Creativation 2018. Tim was showing off their new color additions to the Alcohol Ink line. I would use the old advertising jingle and say "You've Come A Long Way Baby"! 

I've bought and used alcohol inks before.... Sadly they would evaporate so fast I'd only get a few uses from it. They were fun but some of the redesigns that Tim demonstrates pumps me full of enthusiasm to go out and buy this whole set AND the cool tin to keep it in!! Another item I have not used before was discussed, Yupo paper, a synthetic paper. I am excited to try this product. Check out the video, if you are obsessed with creating paper arts, a collector of new and fun craft and supplies or just enjoy surfing Youtube check out this video below.

So-oo any friends want to explore some of these newer Alcohol Ink techniques? Come on over, "Lets Play."

6 Signs That it's Time To Finally Get Organized

How can you and I tell when it’s time to finally get our selves organized and our craft world reorganized?

Oh the signs are quite clear once we begin to pay attention...

Often, I notice a feeling of being out of control...sometimes even blame shifting small things to my sweetheart - Oh no!😗

Here are some examples and common signs that you too might need to get organized too...
☑ You’re Easily Distracted

Clutter and mess isn’t just unattractive – I've noticed it can also be a big distraction whether in my work area or craftspace. If you can’t seem to get inspired or during your workday you can't seem to get anything done, clear the clutter and see what happens.

Did you know that even hidden clutter like a stack of documents waiting to be filed inside a storage box  can drain your mental energy. Keep in mind that clutter isn’t just a problem when it comes to concentrating at work or play. It can also be a visual or mental obstacle to relaxation, a huge problem when our art is our craftspace play ground and form of relaxation.

☑ You Keep Misplacing Necessities

Yes, I know... everyone makes mistakes and oop-sie weird situations do happen. But if we’re regularly losing track of our keys, glasses, a favorite craft punch, it means our organization routine is breaking down somewhere! – quite possibly at our main space...creative area or even our purse or craft tote.

☑ You Can’t Locate Everyday Items

If you find yourself rummaging through your craft drawers, your purse or tote, and all those out-of-the-way extra storage spaces, it’s probably high time to establish a rule whereby everything you own has a dedicated “home.” Once the habit of returning things to their proper place when you’re done using them becomes second nature, the rummaging will stop.

☑ You Get Frustrated by Everyday Tasks 

Most of us have busy lives and a bit of advance preparation is highly suggested to ensure those simple tasks get done . When these tasks become a source of stress, it’s an indicator that something about the process has to change. Often, surprisingly, less is more when it comes to streamlining your everyday chores. Lets say that getting dressed takes forever because you have “nothing to wear,” you might actually have too much and it may be time to purge your wardrobe, eliminate items that do not fit and gift some friends those items you bought and never used. In our craft and work space, the same is true. Streamlining our scrap paper so that it becomes simple to identify, makes our use of it a quick task. 

☑ You Find That You’re Always Shopping

Sometimes, when we think we need more stuff, it’s just because the stuff we already own is so poorly organized that we don’t realize it’s there. In our craft world their is always going to be the next big cool tool or supply, and not only that but seasonally colors change. What was "in" last year is no longer! Decluttering and organizing our belongings, especially those stashed in storage areas like closets and drawers, will help keep us up to date and clarify what we already have and whether we’re unintentionally accumulating duplicates we won’t use. When we de-stash, another benefit can be the kindness of gifting our no longer needed items to someone else who has need.

☑ You Feel Overwhelmed

At some point, almost all of us feel like we simply have too much to do. And it is possible that you do quite literally have more items on your to-do list than the limited hours in the day allow. But you can’t know for sure until you acknowledge, sort, and prioritize those items and learn to manage time instead of just reacting randomly to every task that comes your way. If you don’t already have a simplified routine try creating one now. In the craft world that could mean having 2-4 cards pre-made for our most common categories we send out. Another simplified routine might be pre-cutting a few of the most common colors of base cardstock to our favorite size.

☑ You’re Ashamed of Your Space

If the thought of inviting your craft friend into your space makes you feel ashamed, or if looking at your messy desk makes you feel guilty, yup, you need to get organized. The mess may not be nearly as bad as you think once you get started, or maybe it is and we just need to take those first few steps to launch us on our way to successfully make our space a happy place!

So  now that we've identified some of the key signs what can we do?

Well for many of us we are well on the way since another "sign" is the collecting of ideas for getting organized. If that is you, identify your top two of those ideas and give them a completion date. Set aside some blocks of time and a completion date to accomplish those tasks. Finally,  recruit a friend to help you even if the help is to simply hold you accountable to your completion date. Remember to give yourself a reward for finishing your task. 
My suggestion is to reward yourself by having a favorite social time commensurate with the job accomplished. Perhaps a craft party with a few friends where you enjoy snacks, friendship and then trade unused items for needed items (remember to find the new items a home right away!) 

Happy Organizing!!