Celebrations and Remembering During 2020's Covid-19 Epidemic


Just last week when the world was reflecting on the somber events of 911 another form of remembrance happens in our family.

My sister Colli was born on September 11 and we sisters living in Utah have our own event. Each year we gather for lunch at a restaurant of the birthday girls choosing. This year looked different. We met at Colli's home, ordered and picked up lunch and celebrated a milestone, Colli's 60th Birthday! I wanted to say Hurrah!  so I have been looking for something fun and perfectly descriptive of my sister, she is BOLD, she is COLORFUL and definately looks GOOD so here is my creation. I made it with my Cricut and it is only my 2nd HTV project...I was excited that it is so representational of Colli... 😄