Our friends the Halls are now all settled in at home with their darling newborn Emerald. It was a tense Thursday last week as we all prayed for the final papers for the adoption and that they would get to the places they needed to be and that Alisa would get permissons to leave for home. In faith we all left for the airport with a backup plan in place. We boarded our plane for California and Alisa patiently waited in the airport awaiting news. The good news for Alisa finally came at the last moment, but it came :) We were so relieved for her.
The pilot of our Delta flight greeted us with those words all travelers dread I'm sorry to inform you that due to extreme weather your luggage has not been loaded... WHAT???? I need my baggage...We have our semi-formal event TONIGHT!
At least we are not alone in our predicament, our Xango founder Gordon Morton and his wife Rachel were in the same boat but still, I'm thinking green tennis shoes and blue jeans at a semi-formal event...waaaah!

In spite of the lack of luggage our first day, we enjoyed ourselves. Our few days at the fabulous Montage Resort with our Xango business partner leaders and corporate hosts was delightful. We heard the latest updates, reviewed our successes and shared ideas while being treated to sumptuous breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

We love to mix business and pleasure and this time on Saturday we met up with long time friends the Jonovich's. Lunch overlooking the pool at the Montage was such a treat. The Halibut Tacos are delicious! The next day we all went bike riding in Huntington Beach, enjoyed breakfast, the beach and walking the pier before heading back to the condo for a rest. We finished off the afternoon eating outdoors at the Shake Shack in Crystal Cove while enjoying the breathtaking overlook to the ocean...as our friend John would quip..."life by design...truely."