Creative Dilemma and a Solution

For those of us who so-oo need to create, perhaps you can relate to my dilemma. I have been busy in the kitchen for days making apple butter, apple pies, videoing the process and generally having a giant mess in my kitchen (which is also my office space).  It has been fun and the resulting products have been enjoyed by my family but to tell you the truth I was sick to death of the sticky floors, counters and canning paraphernalia setting about. I was so-oo due for no mess!

A few years back I discovered another wonderful creative outlet but this creative outlet made a mess in a very confined area, my hard drive on my computer. I found the Digital World! In case you are just discovering the world of digital scrapbooking or haven't yet discoverd it is the “condensed” version :) Digi scrapping is basically the same thing as paper scrapping...only you create your layouts on your computer using software. The software varies...from the simple to the super complex...and from the inexpensive to the very expensive.Today is a digital day, cleanup mess!!

So what have I been up to?? Ok...I'm getting to that :)

I have been offering bags of apples to my friends and since my friend Greta requested my Apple Butter recipe I wanted to make it "pretty" for her. Before I show the recipe card off though I owe a "Thank You" to Shabby Princess for the great designs from their digital collection called  "HOLIDAY RECIPE COLLECTION". 

So my secret Apple Butter recipe is out...If you decide to vary the recipe in any way you may discover what makes this recipe so special.
Happy Cooking~Happy Eating~Happy Creating!

Autumn, Sundays and Family Dinner

Carol's Apple Pie

Carol's Apple Pie, a peek inside...

When we first moved to Utah my sister Colli lived just around the corner from us. We started a tradition then of getting together for dinner. My sister Kathi also lives in Utah and although she lives the other side of the Oquirrh Mountains from me we also try to get together as often as possible. For my sister Kathi it is most often for celebrations. Several years ago Colli moved out of state so for today's dinner it was myself, nephew Mikeal and my husband for dinner.

Mike has recently begun a love affair with meatloaf. A few months ago I taught him how to make it and since then he likes to have it at least every other week. I planned to make it for dinner today after we took a drive up to through the canyon.

I look forward to taking time away to enjoy the Fall Leaves, it is my favorite season and a favorite way to enjoy the day. The days here in Utah are a bit crisp but sunny and the air smells simply wonderful...pines, oak, maples all mixed together with wet leaves.

Oreo, Tom and I drove up toward the Timpanogas and headed on a road past Tibble Reservoir. Before long it turned into a gravel road. We drove until the road narrowed. The mountains in the distance have snow capping them, the air is a bit colder. We hop out of the truck and begin our hike up the side of the mountain. Oreo keeps speeding ahead on the trail, he enjoys being in lead. I've snapped a few hundred photos today along with some video footage of the area. I hope to scrapbook some of thes pictures later, I'm sure we'll have a few good pictures! I sure love days like this.

We had a wonderful surprise when we got back to the house, Mike had just finished making meatloaf for us! I had planned to make my homemade apple pie tonight too so we had quite a dinner...Yum.

A Chill is in the Air {Autumn Delight}

Every year as Fall approaches thoughts turn to some of my favorite things.
The Smell of Wet Leaves
Harvest Festivals
Crisp Sweet Apples
Pumpkin Pie, Cookies, Cheesecake, Stew, Muffins, oh my!
Falling Leaves
Corn Mazes
Candy Corn

I could hardly wait for the apples to be at the just ripe state...
I'm thinking Apple Butter, Apple Pie, Apple-y Oatmeal, Caramel Apples and more.

Thinking about all those wonderful Fall Favorite Recipes reminded me of a simple but guilty pleasure I have taken up over the past few months...have you discovered  Pinterest? I've been collecting all sorts of great ideas, take a look! I've started a board with lots of fun Apple Delights, there is a board for Food With Taste and of course a Make It board!

Yesterday I made my first Apple Butter of the season. My technique involved slicing apples, filling my crockpot, cooking them til tender and finally adding the sugar and spices. Heres what it looked like after it had cooked down to that tender applely butter state.
Can you smell the spice in the air??? M-mm

In my area of the world there is a chill in the air, in fact we are as I write getting our very first snow! Oh my goodness now mind is racing thinking of my apple trees...hurry, hurry, hurry I'm thinking. I don't want to lose my apples to freezing temperatures :( So today I am starting my second batch of crockpot apple butter, with some adjustments to my recipe. I'm EXCITED!!

Speaking of Apples did you hear the news? An amazing individual, Steve Jobs has passed on yesterday October 5th, 2011. He was blessed with what seems like an abundance of creativity with vision and focus thrown into the mix, from our Creator.
Hear what he had to say about living. 

May your life be filled with the joy of living!