What Are You Thankful For?
In late 2011 a friend was talking about the fun mail art envelopes she had been creating for a swap partner and it was then I learned about Swap-bot. What a great find! One of my favorite pastimes today is participating in the many and varied swaps available at this site. Currently I am in a swap called Fall ATC-What Are You Thankful For?

Wow what a topic. In a previous post I shared some thoughts about a friend, Karen Huss who has just recently died. The topic of Thanksgiving, Fall and Gratitude would normally bring to mind the color of Autumn, the crisp air and cooler temperatures, harvesting my apples, making apple butter and so many delights! While posting those thoughts I realized that although those are wonderful experiences, they do not really embody what I am truly grateful for. In fact, it is an exploration for me so I decided to begin a group of posts listing what I AM thankful for. I will include many of the normal and expected things I'm sure, but maybe you like me have a NEED to think more deeply and pen some of your own thoughts. I hope you'll share by adding some of your personal reasons to be thankful in the comments.
Today I am thankful for God's love, His love helps us endure in times of sorrow and His love is there to rejoice with us in times of great joy!