My "Thankful For" posts started back in November did not unfold like I had hoped, in fact my time set aside for blogging totally disappeared. Why do we think of being thankful as a "November tradition"? Perhaps it is brought on by the excitement of the upcoming holidays and the planning of Thanksgiving.
My goal truly had been to focus on being more grateful year round so I think beginning the New Year with reflections of gratitude is a "good thing" as Martha Stewart would say.
This is officially my second post on the topic of Thankful For... I'm so very Thankful for new beginnings. they come to us in many ways. This year has been one of practicing forgiveness as we let go of the past. It brings with it freedom. Oh... and the New Year brings a new beginning too.
The simple things in life bring so much joy...hanging out with two of our grandchildren on New Years Eve...creating, laughing, child's play...yes the simple things :) The ART of Beginning! I look forward to what this bright New Year will bring. Perhaps like the banner our granddaughter created it will be bright, colorful, and sparkly with some "throw back your head laughter" thrown in for good measure .