Rainbows Everywhere

Rainbow Looms

It is a craze that has swept the world and especially the world of my grandchildren, grand nephews and grandnieces.They have fallen in love with these crazy colorful rubber bands! We bought one for my grandson last December and lo and behold he received two other looms from friends at his birthday party! As we celebrated birthdays with some of the grandnieces I noticed they also squealed with delight to receive one. This weekend we will be celebrating with another grandnephew and guess what he has on his list? More Rainbow Loom goodies :) If we could figure a way to create fun stuff incorporating all of his favorites: Legos, reading, action figures and the beloved Rainbow Loom we would be super stars in his world! Well I'm not unhappy to be a favored Auntie I guess ;) 
Today I'd like to share a pattern from one of my Youtube channels, ScrapTimeVideos. It is called a Hexagon Bracelet.
You can find unlimited ideas for the Rainbow Loom on Youtube! This one is so clear and concise. 
I mentioned that it would be great if I could incorporate all of my grandnephews favorites...well it may be possible! Check out this fun Lego Bracelet
Another amazing project from a Youtuber on the DYIMommy channel creating an owl from Harry Potter. Soooo Cool! 
I'm such a beginner I'd need to stick to some simple design but look how cool this one with perler beads is!
Don't these fun and colorful projects make you want to be a kid again!
Well I know my grandnephew is going to love the gift we picked for him since he is the one who shared his birthday list with us hehe...can't wait to see him open his present!