Christmas, What It Means To Me
Today is just two days from our traditional Christmas celebration here in the USA... There has been a lot of activity here at my home. Typically we would be getting ready to head to see our kids and grandkids, often just days before or after Christmas.
This year we are experiencing a very different hustle and bustle. Back in August I mentioned the loss of our dear friend, a young mother of four children...the youngest, a newborn baby. Before this tragedy the parents had been living their dream living on the land, homeschooling their children and walking their faith. Suddenly he was without the love of his life and the dream they had nurtured was gone. The father is a dear friend, a young man my husband began to mentor and teach a trade years back. The tragedy so impressed us that we asked them to come live with us since they did not have a home.
Many in our close neighborhood and others in the community have reached out to help them with food, clothing and more as the seasons changed. From one organization they have ministered with something they called the 12 Days of Christmas gift drop off, I had to look this 12 Days drop off up to learn more about it since I watched the family get so excited as the gifts secretly appear :)
Our close neighbors have blessed them richly with meals, gifts for the children and money to help with other needs. We are so grateful for each of you that has offered kindnesses-From Gods storehouse and some of them from a choice to give beyond their means. Thank you so-ooo much!
So what does Christmas mean to me? It means Christ's kindness and love is acted out over and over... He came to earth to be a gift to us so that we might spend eternity with the Creator. This time of year the Spirit of Christ is acted out through so many who give to those who need to see Jesus. I have a quote up in my kitchen, "I want a Christmas that whispers Jesus". I would slightly reword it though..."I want a Christmas that SHOUTS Jesus!".