My Day After Christmas
Do you enjoy the day after Christmas? I do. What do you enjoy doing?
Even though I am unusually exhausted from all the previous shopping, my mind is busy thinking about those special gifts I received. I am like a kid in a candy store, I want to play with my new toys AND yours too!
This morning even before I came down for my first cup of tea I was enjoying my new Amope Pedi Perfect. Thanks Sweetie, that was a very thoughtful gift! I wondered if I was going to see good results removing those thick layers of dry skin (you know., those callouses formed because of all the long shopping hours, crazy cooking in the kitchen and charging up and down the stairs). Although I did not take a lot of time on the rough stuff, I was happy with my first use of this gift.
After enjoying my tea I was thinking about that really cool Keurig that Tom received from our dear friends the Sibsons. (Thank You both!- such a thoughtful gift) Tom got it all set up while I watched supervised. He really enjoyed his first cup!
H-mmmm so maybe I could put that together while making us some Eggs & Bacon since the soup also used bacon, clever logic, right? Well 1 1/2 hours later we finally sat down to our breakfast, I'll tell you a secret...I earned it, whew!
We had to take a break after that party in the kitchen but I'll tell you another secret, (that soup was so-ooo worth the effort.)
Oh, did I mention , my friend Greta shared the recipe with me several years ago and I am so glad she did. Thank You Greta!
Oh, did I mention , my friend Greta shared the recipe with me several years ago and I am so glad she did. Thank You Greta!
After my snooze I finally pulled out another cool fun toy. It is the Anna Griffin MINC Foil Laminator.
My friend Diane (who is ALWAYS in the know about the funnest trends for stamp crafting gifted me this cool toy.)I can't wait to have a craft play date with you my friend!)

I had a blast pulling out all the fun goodies and then watching the videos I found on Youtube. It was really amazing how many folks have shared their experiences using theirs and I can't wait to try it out- but ahhh that must wait for another day has run away -even though I have lots more to share.But alas It will have to wait for another post.