Hanging out with my grandkids is a most delightful time!

Every time we go to visit our grandchildren the time with them is super special. I really never knew having grandchildren was going to be this amazing! Each visit I make I find it to be a surprise-- I never know what will be the project of the day or the play of the night but in the end we had great fun.
When we head over for a visit the car is packed with items relating to the last visit. One time when we arrived my granddaughter Fiona has an armful of "injured" stuffed animals that she and Luke told me desperately needed help--could I ple--eeze sew them! That night we worked with the supplies they had but when I got home I put together an "animal hospital" sewing kit. My"animal hospital" sewing kit has a variety of thread colors in it, a small pair of scissors, a needle threader and such. Now in the past when we visit this had become an absolute "must pack" item! Fo the longest time in fact I packed the car with this at the top of the list.
Once when my darling granddaughter called me on Skype she had a "special request". Could I possibly make a special doll she had in mind? This child has some amazing character traits. Her story telling capabilities are very in depth, details are her forte. I worked on Christina for a long time.(I'm going to save that story for another day).
Christmas was just days away when we arrived. With it being just 4 days before Christmas our thoughts were on many things...
- Did I send out of town gifts, give local gifts and remember to pack the gifts for family we are visiting?
- Did I bring extra wrapping paper, bags, ribbon and tape?
- Did I pack our Christmas Cards and the list, stamps etc?
- Did I bring the address and phone info for theAirBnB hosts?
- Did I clear out the refrigerator?
- Is our dog, his cage, toys, food, supplements info for dog sitters etc packed?
- Did I remember our supplements, first aid kit...oh and MY pillow?
- Did I bring written contact info (sometimes there is no wifi)?
- Did we pre-contact and set appointments for business partners and friends?
Apparently Luke had ideas and it included creating stuff on the sewing machine! So-ooo we now needed to design an alternate plan. It turned out to be a great plan.
I had suggested we make things from fabric around the home, things no longer being used for the original purpose- like socks. I showed him a Pinterest board that repurposed socks in various ways. That was inspiration enough.
I had suggested we follow directions from one of the projects but Luke had a better idea...Excitedly he declared "I want to make a toy for Chip." Chip is our now 1 year old Border Collie. We got this guy last year right after Christmas. In fact we were just driving home from visiting this family when I saw the ad. One call, a quick early morning drive and we brought Chip home right then.
Backstory: We had a beautiful Border Collie, "Oreo" for 15 years. We got him right after moving to Utah. Oreo had been named by our oldest grandson Tyler. He had died in 2017 and it took us a while before we were ready for another pet but when we decided, granddaughter Fiona had asked to be able to name him.