MY ONE WORD for 2023

for 2023

Years I ago I made a decision to stop making New Year's resolutions and started picking One Word for the upcoming year. No resolutions... just One Word that gives meaning, mission, passion and purpose. One Word that will help me be my best. Each year I've found this word to resonate so strongly with what I was really needing to LIVE in my life. In my last post I mentioned a bit about plans for New Year's Eve and as plans can...they often go awry. Ours did but but we flipped it around and spent our night in. My sweetheart surprised me with a cute idea. We enjoyed a game of Scrabble together  as we enjoyed the evening together. As we rang in the New Year and crawled off to bed I reflected on what my word for the New Year would impact in this upcoming year. 

Looking towards this shiny New Year I think of this tradition I began for our household. Funny how a change of plans this year has us sitting in front of the fire reflecting on words...HaHa! Very appropriate I think.  The Power Of Words! 

As I noted in my previous post,  cultures around the world and through history have commemorated the ending of one year in many ways with often the decision to  "resolve to accomplish their listed goals. Historically as many as 45 percent of Americans say they usually make New Year’s resolutions, only 8 percent are successful in achieving those goals. 
That is where the concept of a single word really made an impact and the choice to look towards a bigger picture came to mind. Check out the link at the beginning of my post. I'd love to hear your thoughts and let me know if you decide to be a part of the ONE WORD CHALLENGE for 2023.
Beginning this New Year I choose to focus my thoughts on one word...COMMITTED...I believe it can make a new me as the year progresses. Perhaps you'll choose to join me. This year could mean for you A NEW YOU too.